The top off the vaseline jar screws off, the unbuckling of the belt, THE bUNBUC/bKling OF OUR BELTS, and still we say, ?we?ll lets be fair about this?maybe they are not lining up to do it to us again. Maybe we are jumping the gun? Or being racists? b.../b Underage hookers are always having mysterious accidents in bhotel/b rooms after assignations with western businessmen, falling from the top floor and whatnot, and the police seem to be strangely incapable of making an arrest. b.../b
b.../b e... it's not dat i dont rily darn care..ok? i do care! and i care a lot! remmber, he used to b someone for me...but its jst dat, i can't b so emotional n..i just had enough.. freakin tired of d whole same issue so i got to bunbuc/b...